What We Do

Affordable Housing Delivery Framework Development

Creating an effective Affordable Housing delivery framework will give your organisation an edge in Australia’s emerging Affordable Housing market. Knowing how you want to position yourself allows you to cut through complexity, targeting your time and resources to creating the opportunities that are right for your organisation.

Imagine Housing works with you to:

  • clarify your drivers and objectives,
  • understand the authorising environment and institutional settings you are operating in,
  • understand the role of other players in the market,
  • create the partnerships you need to effectively deliver Affordable Housing

Developing your Affordable Housing Framework will ensure you’re ready to effectively navigate opportunities and constraints in an emerging Affordable Housing market.

Affordable Housing delivery model development

Imagine Housing brings innovative thinking, market understanding and brokerage skills to Affordable Housing delivery model development. We specialise in development of:

  • new and innovative Affordable Housing models
  • low and no subsidy Affordable Housing opportunities.
  • co-operative and collective Affordable Housing delivery

Strategy and Policy development and review

Imagine Housing provides evidenced- based strategy and policy development for State and Local Governments and NFP housing providers

Impact and outcome monitoring and evaluation

Imagine Housing creates monitoring and evaluation tools to enable effective measurement and reporting on Affordable Housing delivery outcomes and impacts

Stakeholder engagement

Imagine Housing provides effective stakeholder engagement approaches, drawing on a deep understanding of the players involved in Affordable Housing Delivery to create targeted engagement processes.

Affordable Housing Project Solutions

Imagine Housing provides tailored advice and support to organisations delivering projects with an affordable housing component. Our advice can help you develop project proposals and resolve implementation challenges.